QUESTIONS: I will ask 2-3 questions from each category

 Creative Life: Questions

  1. Tell us more about yourself and what you currently do and why?

  2.  What inspired you or motivated you to pursue your business/brand?

  3. Any struggles starting your business? Learning curves you had to overcome?

  4. What tips or advice do you have for other moms wanting to start a business/brand like yours? How to get started?

  5. What’s an online resource that helps you with your business?

Self/Mom + Wife: Questions

  1. Share with us about your family. Married for how many years? Kids, how many and how old.

  2. How do you take care of yourself so that you’re physically and mentally prepared to be your best self for your loved ones?

  3.  What is your daily routine? How do you balance or blend all of your crowns?

  4.  Date Nights? What’s your secret or tip for a happy, loving marriage?

  5. How do you make time for the kids? Or Favorite activities with the kids?

  6. We know you’re a busy lady! How do you balance all of your work responsibilities along with your home and personal life? Any tips for our audience?

  7. Who cooks? Do you meal plan? What’s your favorite quick-prep dinner for your family?

  8. Cleaning! Does your family have chores? How do you maintain a tidy home?

 All About You:  Questions

  1. What are your joys in life? (things that bring your peace, happiness, and joy)

  2. What would your ideal Self Care-Day look like?

  3. What’s your favorite make-up or beauty secret?

  4. What are your favorite hair products and why?

  5. What’s your favorite outfit for a quick, polished look?

  6. Where do you find your inspiration?

  7.  What’s your favorite app (or other tools!) for helping you manage life/business?

Speed Questions

  1. Only have time to do one thing – hair or makeup?

  2. Coffee or Tea?

  3. Leggings or Jeans?

  4. Heels or Flats?

  5. Facebook or Instagram?

Ending Questions

  1. What’s the best book, podcast episode, or advice that you have consumed this year?

  2. What is your parting advice for fellow women out there that want to start their own business but not ready to lose their steady income?

  3.  Tell us your favorite Instagram account to follow, and why?

  4. Where can we find you on social media?

  5. What is your latest project? Or current promo?